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Career Resources

Success in the New Economy 

"Success in the New Economy” helps a broader audience begin to understand preparation today for tomorrow’s labor market realities. The end result is a compelling case for students to explore career choices early, make informed decisions when declaring their college education goal, and to consider technical skill acquisition, real-world application and academics (career technical programs) in tandem with a classic education. This balanced approach to life and learning results in a well-educated and employed workforce.

Flipping the College Decision Making Paradigm 

Career planning should not start after college graduation.  The research is clear: Students who enter college with an informed declared major are far more likely to graduate (by double), than those who wander through the maze of educational choices.  This video explains how a simple flip of the college decision-making paradigm can alter every student's approach to education in America.  Created with Get Focused Stay Focused, this powerful message helps students understand the most direct route to a self-sufficient future.

The Insufficient Degree 

Employers simply can’t find applicants with the necessary skills required in today’s workplace. A degree is one important milestone, but insufficient all on its own. Created primarily for Counselors and Educators, this informative animation video shares the secret to eliminating underemployment and unemployment.  Created with the support of the California Far North Region's CTE Pathways Project (SB 1070), learn why a traditional education plan is no longer enough.

(Re)defining the Goal 

Created for Parents with the support of Norco College, this video explains the realities of the 21st Century labor market and provides strategies to guide children to true career success.  Designed to update their perspective on educaitonal and career planning this animated video is perfect to show during parent orientations and parent information nights. Guiding your children to true career success.

4 Skills & 4 Steps to a Successful Career 

How do we communicate to today's youth the important skills and knowledge they need, but also simplify the specific steps they should take? Created for high school students, this video outlines the 4 skills and 4 steps all students need to be successful in school, career, and life. Regardless of one's educational plan or initial career trajectory, this is a "must see" for your students. Learn the 4 skills and 4 steps all students need to be successful in school, career, and life.

Get Focused Stay Focused 

Get Focused....Stay Focused is a comprehensive college and career preparation program designed to help students be successful in school, career and life.